
Welcome! My name is Athena, but you can call me Bang, Bang.Bang, or Aure.  Since an early age I have been a creative being- creating doll houses out of cardboard boxes, making home movies about aliens with my cousins, altering photos on photoshop… it’s no wonder I developed a deep passion for art.  I have an associates in fine art and love to learn and explore mediums, methods, and techniques.  I really enjoy creating in photoshop and am branching out into others such as Adobe Illustrator.  A lot of the work you see in my portfolio is for gaming communities from individual players, groups, and leagues.  Feel free to contact me for business inquiries.

You can contact me at bangbangclasher@gmail.com, twitter: @bangbangaure, or discord BangBangAure#3966

I recently opened my personal discord server to the public.  Feel free to join for discounts and updates: https://discord.gg/qP9EAg7

Contact me for pricing.