Shout Outs

These people are more then deserving of shout outs, thank you’s, and so much praise.

Looma- He was my first art friend on Twitter.  Before I started making art for myself and others, Looma graciously made incredible art for me.  He has been a great friend and resource (especially for 3D text).  He has been very generous towards me with his art.

Bobby Digital- He has helped me grow so much as an artist and is always available when I say “hey, I’m stuck!”  He constantly inspires me to be better, learn more, and be creative.  His artwork is brilliant and he is so down to earth about teaching others and wanting to inspire those around him.

Digital Dojo- BD has a server that has creative minds lurking about.  I am very appreciative of their constructive criticism, they too have helped me to grow!